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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 广州市 增城区 荔城街道 三联村 荔城大道328号
  • 姓名: 朱群娣
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定




    公司位于全国汽车零配件生产、销售集散地--广东增城,占地面积5000平方米,建筑面积4400平方米,配备先进生产设备,采用先进生产工艺流程,延聘*工程师,选择经验丰富的技术工人,坚持“生产一代 、研发一代、储备一代”的研发理念,产品线涵盖汽车护理、机模护理、冷媒产品、空气净化系列,生产的“美尔斯特”、“美宝”“捷亮”“三企”“冰霸”五大品牌的产品**全国各地。


    Zengcheng Meiersite Co. Ltd is a professional automotive care production manufacturer

    established in 2001. With experience of more than 20 years in car caring procucing,

    Madam Zhu Qundi, the founder of the company, has obtained most aprraisal from society

    and costumers. The company achieved ISO9001:2000 qualiy certification in 2003 and

    has been awarded 'private enterprise with honoring contract and credit' for ten

    consecutive years from 2003 to 2016 by administrative authority. The company has

    also granted honors such as 'prior supplier', 'advanced enterprise' and etc. during

    these years.

    The company is located in Zencheng, a satilite city of Guangzhou and the distributing

    center of auto accessary production and sales. In its workshop of 5000m   , the company

    is equiped with advanced equipment, technology, senior engineers and skillful workers.

    Adapting the business idea of 'producing one generation, developing one generation

    and reserving one generation', the company's products has covered 5 branded production

    series as auto nursing, engine mode care, refrigerant, functioning and air freshener

    products widely selling to all over the country of China.

    Obeying the management idea of 'credibility, honesty, exploitation and achievement',

    the company will continue in enhancing quality and improving service according to

    market orietation and costumers' needs.

    经营范围 公司主要经营制冷剂,雪种,冷媒,


    企业经济性质: 外资企业 法人代表或负责人:
    企业类型: 生产加工 公司注册地: 广东 广州 增城区 荔城街道 三联村 荔城大道328号
    注册资金: 人民币 100 万元以下 成立时间: 2001
    员工人数: 11 - 50 人 月产量:
    年营业额: 人民币 50 万元以下 年出口额: 人民币 50 万元以下
    管理体系认证: 主要经营地点: 全国
    主要客户: 厂房面积:
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行: